October 10


Archived Books for Printing…

By JessePa

October 10, 2021

archive book printing

Magnetism Book by Ken Wheelerhttps://ia802502.us.archive.org/31/items/magnetism1small/magnetism1small.pdf

3rd edition of Ken Wheeler’s hypothesis of counterspace and the electromagnetic field.

Ferrocell and Magnetic Patterns by Alberto & Adriana Tufailehttps://www.ferrocell.us/references/FerrocellBookApril2021.pdf

Scientific examination of the ferrocells with extension explanations and images.

The Mayim of Creation by G.L. Bartholomewhttps://www.ancient-hebrew.org/studies-interpretation/files/the-mayim-of-creation.pdf

Useful explanation of the concept when I considered that the Genesis 1 account was describing the creation of the magnetic and dielectric forces. Teases apart the hebraic uses of הַ שָּׁ מַ יִ ם and ץֶ רֶ א

Magnetism & Its Effects On The Living System by Albert Roy Davis & Walter C. Rawls Jr


Experimental results from placing seeds and other organisms in the magnetic field. They claim healing effects, pain reduction, seed germination improvement and increased robustness in plant growth. Their claims are reminiscent of Wilhelm Reich and his “orgone” When examining the composition of the “orgone accumulators” they appeared to be constructed as giant capacitors.



Gravitation and the Expansion of the Earth by T van Flandern (published in Nature)


Articles from an interesting astrophysicist that predicted that comets were actually asteroids with orbiting debris. Was proven right years later. Postulated that many comets were residual from the explosion of a solar planet about 250 million years ago leading to the major extinction of dinosaurs. Also conceived of gravity as a immensely small and immensely fast particle much like Newtons “c-gravitons” Mentioned Zeno’s Paradox and postulated that matter was infinitely divisible. Headed in the direction of field theory but stopped short. His concepts were useful and looking for refutation of his theories helped me instantly recognize the utility of Ken Wheeler’s paradigm. Unfortunately Van Flandern became obsessed with the “faces on Mars” and predicted an extinct advanced civilization on its surface. Also provided a reasonable explanation for the stripping of earth’s atmosphere describing the radical changes from Esker’s Thick Atmosphere hypothesis.

A refutation of T Van Flandern’s concept of Gravity:

Aberration and the Field of Gravity by S Carlip


Thick Atmosphere Hypothesis by David Esker


Ties into Van Flandern’s Exploded Planet hypothesis. Explains the square cube law and the forces necessary for pterodactyls to fly. Flandern’s exploded planet would explain the rapid disappearance of Esker Thick Atmosphere.

Leading Candidate for Printer: Blurb.com


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