September 14


Healing Effects of a Magnetic Field: Introduction

By JessePa

September 14, 2021

Alternative Treatments, Healing, Magnetism, Wound Healing

I’ve been spelunking through the ideas of field theory and trying to wrap my mind around the dielectric field being the acceleration to inertia at the zero point of counterspace. Ferrocell images of these fields

The youtube channel: Theoria Apophasis has been helpful in discussing and trying to describe and explain the concepts.

Ken Wheeler, the channel creator, alludes to Davis & Rawl’s (Magnetism and its Effects on Living Organisms) seed studies, and i started searching for other similar studies.

Found this one on the rate of healing in rats in a magnetic field vs placebo.

The Effect of Magnetic Fields on Wound Healing: Experimental Study and Review of the Literature

The rats with a magnet placed in the bandages around their wounds healed average 15 days +/- vs the non treated rats 20 days +/-.

A 23% improvement in the rate of healing.

This intrigues me. I have a rough outline of a business plan for a Healing Center, called Yuleside, that is a place for physical, and metaphysical rejuvenation.

Treatments would include Tesseract Mirror meditations, sonic and magnetic therapy and a healthy dose of probiotics, especially l. Reuteri.

This is an exciting follow up and confirmation of this under explored field.


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