October 19



By JessePa

October 19, 2021

The absolutely inert, accelerated infinitely small and infinitely capacitant inverse of the electromagnetic field of space and time.

Also referred to as brahman, the dielectric plane, “counterspace” (by ken wheeler), or “the void” or “the deep” in Genesis

Referred to as “inner space” by YouTube’s Fractal Woman. Or “bound” and “unbound”

Represented by the inner dimensions of the mandelbrot set, where all calculated points collapse to a singularity.

I postulate that the terms “rational” and “irrational” refer to this incommensurability and ‘conmeasurability’, and that ration(reason) or ratio -ability refers to space and time (differences of velocity, momentum angle and direction iterated over cycles of spin), and irrational refers to that which passes beyond our powers of ration-alization.

These 2 separate worlds, and the ignorance that they are conjugate or “joined” “coupled” is the terminological error that placed “love” in the “irrational” plane where blithe statements like “love is not rational” confuse our understanding.

Thoughts do not take up perceivable space. I do not become heavier the more i think. This would put the signals related to consciousness as such minute “broadcasts” that it is beyond our technological know how to measure / detect.

This does not mean that we are unable to detect the interplay or cause and effect of these forces in measurable space and time. It does not mean we are unable to describe the forces exerted on our perceivable dimensions with the descriptive language of math.

It means that it emanates from a dimension very different from ours.

I believe that this framework actually contextualizes many NDEs and explains why humans are able to have sensory experiences of that dimension without physical apparatus to “detect” their surroundings. And can experience the sensation of traveling vast distances when their bodies never move from their bed or restricted position.


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